Just the fact you've maintained a daily writing ritual and made progress is an accomplishment you should be proud of! Do you find that your tracker is alsonan accountability tool, or a daunting spectre that needs dealt with each day?

Did you already have the inciting event planned out in your initial draft, or has it had to change in this latest effort?

Keep up the great work, Mayumi! You're doing fantastic!

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Thanks, Chase! I have kept up writing most every day, but having a goal like trying to hit 1,000 words - even if it may be out of reach most days - helps me stay on-track. I'm the type of person who benefits from gamifying goals.

I did have the inciting incident planned out already. It's kind of the crux of the whole novel. I've got most of an outline complete. What I'm finding while writing, though, is that there are a lot of details I still need to fill in!

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it. :)

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